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Tubi - Free Movies & TV Shows

Get Tubi - Free Movies & TV Shows

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Tubi - Free Movies & TV Shows

Get the Tubi - Free Movies & TV Shows


Yes, Tubi is completely free. All the content is available for you to stream without any subscription fees. However, to support the service, you may see some commercials.
No, you don't need to create an account to watch movies on Tubi. However, creating an account will allow you to continue watching from where you left off and save your favorite movies and TV shows to a personal list.
New content is added to Tubi on a weekly basis, ensuring users have fresh movies and TV shows to watch. This keeps the platform interesting and fun for viewers who like to discover new content.
Yes. Tubi updates its content list regularly with new releases. However, it might not be as instant as paid subscription services like Netflix or Amazon Prime Videos because Tubi is ad-supported and free.
Yes, it is available in the United States and many other countries around the world. If for any reason, you have difficulties accessing Tubi from your location, it is advisable to check their regional restrictions and requirements.
There are no limits to how many movies or shows you can watch on Tubi. The app allows you to watch as much content as you want anytime, anywhere, and free of charge.
Yes, it offers high-definition streaming of a wide variety of its content. However, the quality of streaming may depend on your internet connection speed and the specifics of the device you're using.
No, it currently doesn't have a feature to download content for offline viewing. All movies and series are available for streaming only.
Yes, you can stream Tubi on your television via multiple devices like Chromecast, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and more. Information on how to set up Tubi with these devices is available on the Tubi website.
Yes, it offers parental controls that allow parents to limit the content their children can access. This can be done from the settings tab once they create and log into their Tubi account.