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Teachers can use ClassDojo as a way of digitally managing their classroom. They can create a classroom and add their students. Teachers can invite parents to join the class to communicate important information directly. They can track student behavior, set tasks, share reports, and give points for positive behavior.
Yes, ClassDojo offers a messaging platform where students can directly communicate with teachers. This can come in handy to clarify class concepts, discuss assignments, or share concerns.
ClassDojo includes a point system to encourage positive behavior. Teachers can create different categories for points based on class values like teamwork or creativity. Students are then awarded points when they demonstrate behaviors linked to these values.
Yes, ClassDojo offers a private messaging platform where parents can directly communicate with teachers, which is very convenient for discussing concerns, asking questions, or setting up meetings.
You can access ClassDojo through their website using a web browser or by downloading the mobile application from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Yes, ClassDojo is free to use for teachers, students, and parents. There are also premium features available for purchase, but most of the essential functionalities do not require payment.
ClassDojo is a great tool for remote learning as it can host virtual classrooms. Teachers can send assignments, provide feedback, and conduct classes online. Also, it offers a space for students to collaborate and discuss, creating a virtual environment that mimics an actual classroom.
Only parents, teachers, and students belonging to a particular class can access Class Stories for security reasons. As privacy is a priority, any content shared remains within the class community.
ClassDojo ensures the safety of its users by maintaining strict privacy policies. They don't sell or rent any user’s personal information to third parties. All information shared within a class remains private and accessible solely to members of that class.
Teachers can post updates to their classes through the class story feature. They can post texts, photos, or videos, which parents can view and comment on.