Tips & Guides
  • Kayla Cruz
  • 23 Mar 2022
How to Make a Custom Signature for Gmail for Web Poster

How to Make a Custom Signature for Gmail for Web

Gmail is surely the most popular email provider in the world now, with about 1.5 billion users now. Many Gmailers love it for its free service with enough storage and many features. One of those features is signature customization. This is how you can customize your signature on Gmail via its web interface.

Why Customize Your Signature?

There are many reasons to create a custom signature for your mail. The most obvious is that a letter has to be signed, no matter whether it’s on paper or on the screen. So, adding your name with an addition like “Sincerely yours” will be just polite.

There can be other reasons to customize signatures. As Gmail is free, you may use it for different purposes. For example, one identity is your personal, one is for your small business, and one is for the rock band where you play and manage it. So, in the first hypostasis, you may be good with your name. In the emails you send from the second one, you may add the name of your store or workshop plus its website. And third, your identity can use a signature with your band’s name, site, and pages on social media.

But the thing is that you don’t have to create three accounts for it all: one is enough! And this is partly possible due to the advanced signature features of Gmail. Here is how to edit your signatures and create multiple ones for your main account. 

How to Create a Custom Signature on Gmail

The most versatile way to create a custom signature for your mail on Gmail is via its web interface. It works regardless of the platform, on either desktop or mobile devices. You don’t need any dedicated apps but the regular web browser for it. So, let’s see how to change your signature on Gmail for the web.

  1. Run your browser and go to
  2. Enter your credentials if necessary. Wait until the interface fully loads
  3. Click or tap the Settings icon (a gear-shaped one in the upper right corner)
  4. Click the “See All Settings”
  5. On the “General” tab, scroll down until you see the “Signature” section
  6. Choose the signature you want to edit
  7. Click the Edit icon next to its name in the signature list to edit the name of the signature
  8. Edit the signature in the field to the right of the signature list.

You can go with a simple text signature or opt for more. And its abilities deserve a dedicated section.

Creating Advanced Signature

As you look at the editor below this field, you can see that it has a wealth of formatting options. And this is what it enables you to do.

  • Formatting. You can customize your signature by using rich formatting options. Choose the font, the size of it, the color for the text, and for the background. Make fragments of it bold, italic, or underlined.
  • Insert images or links. You can use images from your Google Drive, upload them from your device, or connect images from external pages.
  • Add bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Indent more or less with buttons.

In fact, your signature may look like a document, with a list of links, images, and other content. Use it wisely, though.

Adding Multiple Signatures

One of the features you can use to avoid the necessity to create several accounts is the ability to create multiple signatures. Using this feature along with labels and filters, you can use a single account for various purposes and represent yourself in your different roles.
To add more signatures, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings/See All Settings/General/ Signature section
  2. Click the “Create New” button
  3. Create the new signature like described above

As you create a letter or reply to someone’s email, you may choose the signature to use. For this, click the icon with a pen at the bottom of the editor and select the signature from the list.

Signed, Explained, Delivered

Multiple signatures are a rather recent feature by Gmail. You might have missed its introduction, but now you know the true potential of Gmail signatures. If you know any other Gmail tips and tricks, regarding either signatures or anything else, we’d like you to share them in the comments. Thanks in advance! Sincerely yours.

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